
Tackling Hate and Bullying

Hate and Bullying

Victims of race or sexual hate crimes or general bullying will be given support to help them cope with the trauma of such crime and the offenders will be brought to book for this unacceptable behaviour

Developing support for victims

Support of Victims

Vulnerable people of all ages will be protected and supported, as should all victims of crime, this support being made available through multi service close co-operation which will include local authority and NHS provision

Strengthen the specialist investigation n teams to tackle cyber-crime and child exploitation

The use of computers, mobile phones and the internet provides extensive access to information and services, almost unimaginable even 10 years ago. Technology is a central part of most people’s lives but cyber-crime is an increasing problem with criminals using new technology to commit offences. This includes hacking important personal information, fraud, the selling of illegal drugs and for child exploitation.I want Cheshire to have a zero tolerance approach to these crimes and will:

Collaborate with other ‘blue-light services’ to improve service delivery

I believe an efficient and effective police service cannot act alone. As Police and Crime Commissioner I’ve led, alongside the Chair of Cheshire Fire Authority, proposals for the collaboration of Police and Fire HQ back office support and advice services in addition to the work of the Constabulary with other police forces across the North West and beyond.

Enhance the Roads Policing Unit with Better Technology

Almost everyone in Cheshire is affected by the road network on a daily basis either as a driver, passenger, cyclist, motorcyclist or pedestrian.Although the number of fatal and serious road traffic collisions is down by 24%, there are still too many on our roads. I remain committed to ensuring a robust focus on policing Cheshire’s roads to encourage users to be considerate of others and make them as safe as possible.As Police and Crime Commissioner I will:

Strongly represent the needs of young people

Young people make up 25% of Cheshire’s population but too often only adults get involved in the decision making process. That’s why I prioritised the appointment of a Youth Ambassador to champion youth issues, help communicate key messages on issues like internet safety and the dangers of drugs and alcohol and ensure a point of contact for young people to register their views. In 2016 I established the Cheshire Youth Commission to enable young people to support, challenge and inform my work as Police and Crime Commissioner and that of Cheshire Constabulary.

Extend the mental health triage scheme

Mental health issues affect one in six adults in Britain at any given time and mental health needs are often high amongst offenders linked to drugs and alcohol use. I’ve endorsed the Constabulary’s Mental Health Strategy in my time in office but gone one step further too. Dealing, in an appropriate way, with people who suffer from mental health issues matters greatly to me.

Continue to invest in community and safety projects

I was elected in 2012 to serve the whole of Cheshire, Halton and Warrington, as Police and Crime Commissioner. It has been a particular pleasure for me to support crime prevention activities and projects in communities across the whole Force area, with nearly £1million worth of grants made available for local safety schemes.

Manifesto launch

25th September 2012
All day

 John visited 9 towns and 1 city in the Cheshire Constabulary area to launch his manifesto.Unrivalled skills and a knowledge of both policing and Cheshire is being offered by former Assistant Chief Constable John Dwyer in his bid to become the county's first Police & Crime Commissioner.

Mr Dwyer, the Conservative Candidate for Novembers election, has outlined his thinking for the new role and made a number of commitments in his manifesto entitled 'Making Cheshire An Even Better Place To Live.'LINK TO DOCUMENT AT FOOT OF PAGE